1.Acupuncture pad and pillow can relieve pressure, pain and muscle tension, relieve neck pain, and increase blood circulation
2.Helps relieve back pain, tension, stiffness, insomnia, fatigue and many other diseases
3.Stimulate TCM acupoints, activate the body, and help to relax
4.It can relieve stress, pain, muscle tension and increase blood circulation
5.It helps to relax and improve the quality of sleep. Activate the nervous system and let you relax deeply in natural healing
6.Light weight, portable, easy to store and travel, and can keep healthy at any leisure time
Material: sponge+cotton+thorn ABS plastic
Pillow size: 37X10X15cm/14.57 * 3.94 * 5.9in
Cushion size: 68X42cm/26.77 * 16.54in
Application area: spa, home, office, etc.
Package include:
Pillow * 1
Cushion * 1
Storage bag * 1